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Business integrity for Companies: workshop on good practices, Basel, 25.6.2024

Fighting corruption does not seem to be a top priority in Switzerland. But in the international markets the rule of law and a corruption free business environment are essential elements of a level playing field for all companies.

How can companies find good practices to handle not only the legal requirements but shape a successful business model, respecting and promoting high ethical standards?

The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO, UN Global Compact Switzerland and the Basel Institute on Governance invite Participants and interested companies, organizations, and individuals to share their insights and good practices, articulate their needs for information, support, and exchange in peer-learning.

see: Business integrity for Companies: workshop on good practices | GCNSL (globalcompact.ch)


University of Basel, Kollegienhaus , Petersplatz 1, 4001 Basel, Switzerland


The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO, UN Global Compact Switzerland and the Basel Institute on Governance

Datum / Zeiten



13.30 Introduction: Where we stay in Switzerland | Vanessa Hans, Basel Institute on Governance, Olivier Bovet, SECO, Antonio Hautle, UN Global Compact Switzerland & Liechtenstein (GCNSL)

14.30 The legal perspective | Daniel Bühr, Lalive

14.50 The Anti-Corruption Guide for SMEs: Transparency International Switzerland | Antonio Hautle, GCNSL

15.00 Collective Action Programme Ukraine | Daria Ruban, UN Global Compact Ukraine

15.10 Experiences, challenges and good practices: open exchange on how we can organize a Collective Action in Switzerland and other countries

Company examples

16.00 Wrap up and next steps

Registration is mandatory. We suggest registering early as space is limited.